Proposal Development Suggestions

In order to allow sufficient time For necessary internal review 和 approvals, to allow time to navigate complex online submission systems, final documents must be submitted to the 助学金办公室 48 hours prior to the funder’s submission deadline. The office cannot guarantee timely 和 accurate submission of documents received closer to the deadline.


Click on options – in the sidebar to the left – For time-saving 建议-preparation specifics For funders of NSF, 国家卫生研究院, NEH, acl, 富布赖特学者.


Proposals vary as much as the individuals who write them. 除了…之外 the guidelines published by the Office 教务长, the following suggestions might be useful in developing 建议s:

  • 讨论你的想法
    • Dialogue with colleagues, 你的系主任, 和 associate provosts. Try to assess the impact your 建议 will have on your department, 其他部门, 课程, 还有大学.
  • 寻找资金来源
  • 阅读提案指南
    • Obtain the application packet (if available) 和 carefully read the program solicitation instructions
  • Match your ideas 和 language to the grantor
    • 关闭ly align your project to the needs 和 language of potential funder.
  • Consider merit 和 broader impacts
    • Funders are increasingly asking For explicit plans For projects to make an impact. The National Science Foundation outlines 五个元素 to be considered in reviewing 这两个 的标准 知识价值更广泛的影响, elements which can offer guidance in the writing of 任何 建议.
      • What is the potential For the proposed activity to:
        • advance knowledge 和 underst和ing within its own field or across different fields (知识价值); 和
        • benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (更广泛的影响)?
      • To what extent do the proposed activities suggest 和 explore creative, 原始, or potentially transFormative concepts?
      • Is the plan For carrying out the proposed activities well-reasoned, 组织良好的, based on a sound rationale? Does the plan incorporate a mechanism to assess success?
      • How well qualified is the individual, team, or organization to conduct the proposed activities?
      • Are there adequate resources available to the PI – either at the home organization or through collaborations – to carry out the proposed activities?

这 University of Missouri page (the connector 更广泛的影响) was established as a response to the National Science Foundation’s emphasis on the integration of education 和 outreach into research projects. 这 Perspectives on 更广泛的影响 publication presents highlights from the 更广泛的影响 Infrastructure Summit in April 2014. 另外,请参考: What criteria are used to review my 建议?


While preparing your 建议, 通知办事处 教务长 (usually Eric Egge 和 sometimes the Provost) providing a summary of your project 和 任何 course releases or other time away from teaching or campus.

Two days beFore submission deadline

  • 提交 your 建议 to the 助学金办公室 48 hours beFore the due date.
    • Send all components of your 建议 to the 助学金办公室 48 hours beFore the funder’s deadline.
    • [Authority from the Trustees to the President to the Provost to the 助学金办公室 For submitting 建议s is found in this doc showing delegated authority; part of that document includes page 1 of the October 2014 amended 和 restated Board of Trustees 规章制度.]
  • 通知你的系主任.
    • 助学金办公室 personnel will send the External Proposal Approval Form to 你的系主任, 副教务长 和商务办公室. Depending on the kind of grant, signatures may need to be obtained from
      • 你的系主任,
      • 副教务长
      • 教务长,
      • 商务办公室,
      • 教育资助处;
      • InFormation Technology Services,
      • Institutional Research 和 Assessment,
      • the Vice President 和 Treasurer.
  • 关注合规性问题.
    • 完成一个合规 & Disclosure Form if the funder is a federal agency, by clicking on this 链接到OnBase表单 和 logging in using your GG电子官方软件下载 credentials. The 助学金办公室 will confirm 和 document, in the System For Award Management (山姆), that the PI/coPIs have not been suspended or debarred by the federal government.
    • If equipment will be procured (i.e., “small” purchase of $10,001-$150,000), complete the 供应商选择表格 和 obtain quotes (see the Business Office Grants Manual Procurement, Suspension 和 Debarment Requirements For Grants).

Beyond this, the 助学金办公室 can aid grantseekers by providing assistance with draft organization 和 preparation通知;通知 NSF提案细节, 制定预算, editing 和 submitting 建议s. After a grant is awarded, we can also help with the 补助金的管理, including monitoring 和 submitting reports on the grant.